About Us

About The Good News Mission Church

Who We Are & What We Do

The Good News Mission is a dynamic, multicultural community, missionary sending Church. The church offers relevant teachings and amazing worship as part of each and every Sunday Worship Gathering. Get ready to experience church in a whole new way! Join us every Sunday 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM to celebrate Jesus and our faith in Him!

The church is build on Mathew 28:19-20

"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

The church is a fellowship where those who know Christ are bound together in the Spirit, a lecture room where great truths are expounded, where teaching on every christian virtue is given and a nursery where young Christians.

Our Mission

Our Mission is to preach the Good News of our Lord Jesus Christ that brings salvation to every soul that hears and believes across the world.We are determined to bring souls to Christ, then teaching them, training them in the area of their gifting, and later commission them to win more souls for Jesus.

We intend to use every available tool to reach out. They include:

  1. Harnessing the power of the social media and using it to reach more people and in countries that are suppressing Christianity.
  2. Using our website to diseminate information to people across the world on soul winning and biblical teachings.
  3. Empowering  brethrens by training them on being effective missionaries in their societies
  4. Commisioning missionaries both locally and internationally and many more as God will enable us.

Our Vision

Our Vision is to go out into the rippen world and win more souls for Jesus. We intend to reverage on any available tool may it be: - Technology, people, corporation and/or airwaves etc; to reach out to people across the world.We are giving more emphasy to countries like Somalia, Pakstan, India, Muslim Countries etc.

Our Desire

The desire of The Good News Mission is to reach out to as many people as possible with the Good News of Jesus Christ that saves. We are therefore putting in place processes that will help us realize this great commission of our Lord Jesus Christ. The processes include:

  • To align our church programs to emphasize on Outreach and Soul Winning. This will include also commiting 80% of our church finances towards outreach and Soul winning.
  • Teaching the church members on outreach and soul winning by holding seminars and trainings. The long term desired from this processes is to have molded a team of active missionaries who will be deployed within and outside the country to do the mission work.
  • Setting up a modern studio. The modern studio will be used in developing Audio, Video and print contents which will be used for for outreach and soul winning . The content will   as also hebe used to do trainings , teachings and follow-ups for new believers.

© 2025 The Good New Mission - A Missionary Sending Church - Powered by Devlab Africa