Fear God and keep his commandments

Fear God and keep his commandments

Good morning. I trust that you woke up this morning while healthy as fiddle. I woke up well. I am seated at the window of my office at the seventh floor and am observing people who are walking on the street below me.

They are hastily walking about in all directions in their businesses. Very few are engaging between themselves as they walk along. The drizzling rains have started. The walking has been repalced by dashing in every direction. A roof of umblellas has formed over the dashing people.

Each is fully focused on what he is supposed to do. All are very expectant that the glorious promising morning will bring with it returns and good luck. Yet I am harboring a trail of questions within me; questions like:

  • How delicate is human life? 
  • How brief is each man's life? 
  • Are men living God's purpose while in pursuit of their goals? 
  • Who is next on the line to be called to 'his home'? How can a man know the wee hours of his days? 
  • Are men trapped in the hustles of the world not to realize who they are in God?

Questions are many but this is my conclusion. That you should:

  • Honor God by worshiping Him and Him only.(Mathew 22:37)
  • Love and take care of your youthful wife. (Malachi 2:14-15)
  • Enjoy your family as you teach them the ways of the Lord. (Proverbs 5:18)
  • Let all resources at your disposal be a tool to honor, serve and bring glory to God. (Proverbs 3:9)
  • Believe in what people can be and do more than what money can do. (Ezekiel 36:26)
  • Pursue your dreams but within God's purposes over your life. (psalm 20:4)
  • Conquer the world for Jesus.
  • Make a name on this: In love, in giving, in caring for the orphans and the widowed, in sharing the word of hope with the hopeless and above all stand strong in faith and in hope of His coming.

I can summerize them as follows:

God bless you and have a blessed day ahead. Jackline Njeri and I loves you very much

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