Message from Our First Lady

Mrs. Jackline Mwicigi

First Lady, The Good News Mission

Encourage one another in the Lord.

God commanded that His people encourage each other because He knew we would need it. Jesus warned that “in the world you will have tribulation…” which He followed with much needed encouragement, “but take heart; I have overcome the world” John 16:33

We live in a broken world where everything calls us toward selfishness and despair. Sin steals joy, our bodies break down, our plans falter, our dreams die, our resolves weaken, our perspective dims. We are promised suffering 1 Peter 4:12, persecution John 15:20, 2 Timothy 3:12, and trials of all sorts James 1:2-3.

When encouragement is absent from the life of a church people will feel unloved, unimportant, useless, and forgotten. God knows His people are in need of grace-filled reminders, which is why He calls us to encourage each other every day until His Son returns Hebrews 3:13.

Will you encourage one another? Please do so.

It will depend on the wife if a minister will rise from day to day in his sphere of usefulness or sink to the ordinary level.

Wives you are the pillars of your Husbands

"It will depend on the wife if a minister will rise from day to day in his sphere of usefulness or sink to the ordinary level."

“The wife of the minister of the Gospel can be a most successful helper and a great blessing to her husband or a hindrance to him in his work”. It will depend on the wife if a minister will rise from day to day in his sphere of usefulness or sink to the ordinary level.

“Satan is ever at work to dishearten and lead astray ministers whom God has chosen to preach the truth. The most effectual way in which he can work is through home influences, through the wife of the Pastor” It is therefore necessary to emphasize the importance of pastors’ wives and the impact they have on the pastor’s work.

Jackline and her Brief History

Jackline Njeri is the wife to the senior Pastor at The Good News ministry International. She currently helps in organizing activities and events in the ministry.


Jackline Njeri was born in Murang'a, Kenya. She is the first born in a family of three. She got educated in Murang'a up to when she completed high school.She moved to Nairobi in the year 2009 in order to pursue her college education in Food and Catering.

Jackline accepted Jesus as the Lord of her life from her early age at Gospel Recovery Springs under the leadership of pastor Joseph Kamau. When she relocated to Nairobi, She joined the Christ Power Church. In CPC church, she joined the intercessory prayer group where they used to meet at the church and have overnight prayer vigils. In 2012, Jackline got married to Moses Mwicigi. She has served different roles in the church ever since she was young up to today.

Tabitha Fellowship

Acts 9:36 In the city of Joppa there was a follower named Tabitha (whose Greek name was Dorcas). She was always doing good deeds and kind acts.

Tabitha Ministry

Tabitha Ministry is a department of the Good News Fellowship International that aims to help the widowed, orphans and the very poor members of society through providing food, offering guidance and counselling, holding spiritual services and moral support.

The Tabitha Ministry aims to pursue the lost with the gospel of Jesus Christ. We share the healing message of the cross with the broken lives as we interact with them.

The ministry requires commitment, prayers and God's divine provision, sacrifice and joining of purpose as we aim to share hope with all people that are going through tough times. Several of them are single mothers who have suffered intense abuse. Some are addicts. A handful of our contacts live in slums.

Although Tabitha Ministry experiences many challenges, and although the sin and brokenness of this world often make this ministry uncomfortable and challenging, we praise God that he uses our efforts to provide for others’ needs and to spread the gospel which radically changes and redeems.

Meet Her Family

Jackline Njeri has also been blessed to become a wife and a mother. During her six years residency in Nairobi, she met her husband, Moses Mwicigi in Nazareth gospel Mission, Nairobi. Jackline is a dedicated soulwinner, intercessory member and a servant of the Lord.

Their courtship became a God-ordained marriage in 2012. Jackline and her Husband have been blessed by the Lord with one child, Peter. Jackline and her Family knows that God’s providence and faithful goodness has led them to the city of Nairobi for a divine purpose. Please you are welcome.

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