Message from Our Pastor
Pastor Moses Mwicigi
Pastor, The Good News MissionWelcome to our Church
I take this wonderful moment to welcome you to our church. Our church is driven by the desire to reach every soul with the good news of our Lord Jesus Christ; the good news that brings Salvation to the lost. We are a group of people committed to following Jesus. This means that:
- We worship him with vigor and joy.
- We encourage prayer in church and throughout life.
- We show love to people outside the church through generosity, invitation, and compassion.
We truly love all people that fellowship here and as well all visitors that come our way. We also take great interest in the development of individual members. we nurture their talents and gifts and then give them a room to serve God in their area of gifting.
Not only do we regard those that are of the fellowship of the brethren, but also we reach out to all people that are not born again with love and with joy. We give a hand of friendship to them too by praying with them, giving food stuff to the hungry, offering guidance and counselling to those that need it and many more.
We can not be able to explicitly state all things here but rather, if you can come, you will experience a wonderful place to serve God at.
God bless you as you plan to come and fellowship with us.
"Evangelism is grounded in the very nature of God. Not only is Jesus the motivating power within us but He is also the great example to us. Paul states, "Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus, who being in the form of God, did not consider it robbery to be equal with God, but made Himself of no reputation...but humbled Himself...became obedient to the point of death, even the death of the cross."

Pastor's Greetings
We are a church that is founded on Mathew 28:19-20 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
Soul winning is not just an ambition for a few choice souls who wish to be accounted wise in the sight of God, but rather a statement which sets out the great task in which every believer is involved because of his or her relationship with God. “Every believer is primarily a missionary!”
Proverbs 11:30 “The Fruit of the righteous is a tree of life ; and he that win souls is wise.
- Evangelism is neither debatable nor optional; it is obligatory.
- The gospel must be proclaimed! All who know Him must make Him known
- The whole church is a missionary community existing for the world and reaching beyond itself in its attempts to win the world.
- God never asks man to become a spiritual recluse, but He commands man to go and tell the story of His love.
"Evangelism is grounded in the very nature of God. Not only is Jesus the motivating power within us but He is also the great example to us. Paul states, "Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus, who being in the form of God, did not consider it robbery to be equal with God, but made Himself of no reputation...but humbled Himself...became obedient to the point of death, even the death of the cross."

A brief History of Pastor Moses Mwicigi
Pastor Moses Mwicigi is the senior Pastor at The Good News Fellowship International. He currently organises and performs most responsibilities around the ministry.
Pastor Moses was born in Nakuru. He moved to Nairobi in the year 2007. During his childhood and teenage years, Moses was raised in a pentecostal Church. Upon graduating high school, he went to college at Kenyatta University and earned a 4 year Bachelor’s Degree in Information and Computer Technology.
Pastor Moses is the second born in a family of nine. In his early life, he lived in so much poverty which cast a big cloud of hopelessness and hate. in Novemebr 14,2003 he tried to commit suicide. But by God's devine intervention, He resqued him from the grip of death. In 2004, he gave his life back to Christ. in 2005 and 2006, he served as the Christian Union Chairman at Njoro High School.

Early Ministry Life
In 2007, after completing High School, he founded the Evangelistic Ministry which went all over Kenya preaching the gospel of the good news. in 2009, he became the secretary of Nazareth Gospel Mission Nairobi. In 2010, he moved to work at Narok. In that Year, he organized an evangelism meeting and at the end of it, a church had been born. He served as the pastor of that church. He served for six months but then he was recalled back to Nairobi. He joined his earlier church as a church elder, a position he held for six years upto to 2016.From 2014, God had been calling him to pastor a local, New Testament Church and in the end of 2016, he took up the call.
Ministry life
The Mwicigi family have served at different capacities in Nazareth Gospel Mission under the leadership of Pastor john Kariuki. On August 15th, 2016, The Good News Fellowship was formed and in 2017, it was chartered as an independent, local, New Testament Church with Brother Moses as it’s Senior Pastor. In October 2016, brother Moses resigned his service at Nazareth Gospel Church and committed his full-time energies to reaching the unreached with the message of the good news.

Pastor's Family
Pastor Mwicigi has also been blessed to become a husband and father. During his six years residency in Nairobi, he met his wife, Jackline in the Christ Power Church, Nairobi. She was a teacher in that church’s Christian School as well as a faithful soulwinner, intercessory member, and a servant for the Lord. Their courtship became a God-ordained marriage in 2012.
Brother and Mrs. Mwicigi have been blessed by the Lord with two children, Peter and Patience. The Mwicigi's know that God’s providence and faithful goodness has led them to the city of Nairobi. Please come and hear the Word of God as it is preached without compromise by God’s man.