Cyber Missions

At The Good News Mission, we have a department for Cyber-Missions and Online Outreach Ministry. We use social media platforms, web pages, email, mobile devices, and Internet cafes to share the Gospel of Jesus across the world. Our interest is in the area of evangelism, discipleship, theological training, counseling, and leadership development. 


Why teach about Internet Evangelism?

Internet evangelism is the new frontline of evangelism. It is no longer a tool which is used to increase offline “brick and mortar” ministries, instead it is the ocean in which all ministry (both online and offline) must either sink or swim.

The Church need to position itself for the digital world and beyond

  • When people fail to prepare for change, they become ineffective, irrelevant and non influential.
  • We empower churches to do outreach to an ever changing population


Evangelism on Cyber space 

  • The cyber space  and it's accompanying technologies offers an incredible opportunities for Christian missionaries of the Century
  • The online platforms created by Technology offers essential arenas to share the Christian faith
  • The church need to use the available tool:- Internet for soul winning

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