Tabitha Ministry

Tabitha Ministry is a department of the Good News Fellowship International that aims to help the widowed, orphans and the very poor members of society through providing food, offering guidance and counselling, holding spiritual services and moral support.
The Tabitha Ministry aims to pursue the lost with the gospel of Jesus Christ. We share the healing message of the cross with the broken lives as we interact with them.
The ministry requires commitment, prayers and God's divine provision, sacrifice and joining of purpose as we aim to share hope with all people that are going through tough times. Several of them are single mothers who have suffered intense abuse. Some are addicts. A handful of our contacts live in slums.
Although Tabitha Ministry experiences many challenges, and although the sin and brokenness of this world often make this ministry uncomfortable and challenging, we praise God that he uses our efforts to provide for others’ needs and to spread the gospel which radically changes and redeems.