Our Strategic Plan
Two year Plan 2022 - 2023
Establishing the church In this year,
Leadership development, Growth and Discipleship, Community outreach, International outreach
Outreach and soul winning
Between May 2021 and December 31st 2021, we want to have grown the church population to 200 people. We shall:
1. Aggressively reach out to the community around us by employing the following steps:
- Have an outreach day every month.
- Have street praise and worship once every month.
- Print and share the summarised sermons every week.
Strategically Impact more lives
In our desire to impact more lives, we shall:
Ensure that we have empowered - Tabithah Fellowship which will impact 500 lives.
- Identify and list the needy cases in our community which may include: lack of food, school fees, housing and opportunities
- Mobilize resources to support needy cases in the community
- Develop a system to ensure accurate data of operations and the beneficiaries.
To manage our church on a fiscally sound operating basis.
1. Develop a HRM system for the church.
2. Expand income streams for the church
3. Consolidate all expenditures
4. Employ fiscal policies that will ensure Value for shilling
To serve more people in the community
We shall expand the number of programs that are meant to benefit the congregation as follows:
1. Have elaborate means of sharing sermon content with people.
2. Have seminars and conferences at the church
3. Have Business forums for church members
4. Have counselling services at the church.
To improve internal processes continually to realize efficiencies.
We shall:
1. Establish the procedure of communication between the staff, church community and the wider community.
To improve internal communications.
1. Establish prompt communication with the church by having a centralized mode of communication.
2. Ensure that the church community understands the rules of the church by sharing them with the church.
3. Use of available communication channels for effective communication.
To develop the leadership abilities and potential of our staff.
1. Have leadership meetings every second Sunday of the month.
2. Have interdepartmental meetings with leaders of the department
3. Have seminars for leaders every third Friday of the month at 7:30pm via Zoom
4. laying down sound leadership structures and systems
Create a culture of the Good News Mission Church
1. Media Culture
i. Zoom Sessions
By May 31 2021, Ensure that we have had two successful zoom meeting with:
1. Church Members
2. International community
This shall be repeated every month and evaluated at 3 months period to see the effectiveness of the meetings
ii. Social Media - (YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn)
1. Ensure we have content for social media twice a week.
2. Create content that will be relevant to every group.
iii. In - House Culture
iv. Book reviews